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When you define a resource block in Terraform, by default, this specifies one resource that will be created. To manage several of the same resources,...
Yesterday, we learned how to AWS S3 Bucket with Terraform. Today, we will see how to scale our infrastructure with Terraform. Understanding...
Ansible ad hoc commands are one-liners designed to achieve a very specific task they are like quick snippets and your compact swiss army knife when...
1. File and Directory Commands COMMANDMEANINGEXAMPLE & SYNTAXls (list all directories)Lists all the files and directories inside the current directory...
What is Git and why is it important? Git is a version control system, which is used to track all the changes that are made to a particular file. Let's...
What is Git? Git is a version control system that allows you to track changes to files and coordinate work on those files among multiple people. It is...