Day 1 - 90DaysOfDevOps

Day 1 - 90DaysOfDevOps

Introduction - Day 1

This is the day you have to Take this challenge and start your #90DaysOfDevOps with the #TrainWithShubham Community

  • Fork this Repo.

  • Start with a DevOps Roadmap[]

  • Write a LinkedIn post or a small article about your understanding of DevOps

  • What is DevOps

  • What is Automation, Scaling, Infrastructure

  • Why DevOps is Important, etc

Step 1 : Create an account and login into GITHUB

Step 2 : Once you login, go to this link and click on the Fork which is on the top righthand side of the page.

Step 3 : Click on the fork and this page appears, repository name will be by default 90DaysofDevops and click on create fork. Repo from londheshubhum will be added to your personal github.

Devops is a culture

Devops is a process

DevOps is set of practises

-> Devops culture is used to collaborate Development and operations in Software Project

-> Using Devops culture we can simplify software project delivery process to clients

-> DevOps is used throughout software development life cycle process

Automation, Scaling and Infrastructure

-> Automation is the use of technology to perform tasks with where human input is minimized. This includes enterprise applications such as business process automation (BPA), IT automation, network automation, automating integration between systems, industrial automation such as robotics, and consumer applications such as home automation and more.

-> Scaling in DevOps is characterized as an automation-driven environment where developers or enterprises can adopt DevOps culture and choose the right technologies to scale their business growth. Undoubtedly, enterprises will use a variety of approaches to establish a DevOps culture, but as businesses start to scale, new challenges may arise that make DevOps adoption challenging.

-> DevOps infrastructure or Infrastructure Automation under DevOps refers to a concept that revolves around the idea of managing infrastructure with the help of code. This is done with the help of certain tools or programs which can help to carry out the tasks automatically! Some of the leading IAC tools are listed below.

  • Ansible

  • Terraform

  • SaltStack

  • CloudFormation

  • Azure Resource Manager

  • SpectralOps

    Why Devops is important

-> DevOps—the amalgamation of development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams is an organizational approach that enables faster development of applications and easier maintenance of existing deployments. By enabling organizations to create stronger bonds between Dev, Ops and other stakeholders in the company, DevOps promotes shorter, more controllable iterations through the adoption of best practices, automation and new tools. DevOps is not a technology per se, but it covers everything from the organisation to culture, processes and tooling. Initial steps usually include Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), real-time monitoring, incident response systems and collaboration platforms.