Codepipeline with Elastic beanstalk to deploy Node JS application with CodeCommit

Codepipeline with Elastic beanstalk to deploy Node JS application with CodeCommit


Navigate to CodeCommit and create an empty repository

As a root user you cannot access the CodeCommit repo, so we need to create an IAM user with certain policies


  1. Navigate to IAM > Users

  2. You can create a new user by clicking Add Users

  3. Give him an AWSCodecommitPowerUser Policy permissions

  4. Click on Create user

Attach the below policy


Once the IAM user is created under security credentials generate Access keys and HTTPS Git credentials for AWS CodeCommit (1)

Access keys are used to connect as a User to the AWS console through AWS CLI and HTTPS Git cred for cloning and pushing the code to AWS CodeCommit.

EC2 instance

Create an EC2 instance and connect to it.

Install the aws cli

$ curl "" -o ""
sudo apt install unzip
sudo ./aws/install
aws --version

Configure the CLI in the instance

aws configure

Configure the Access and Secret key that we generated from the IAM user

Now clone the repository from CodeCommit to the instance

Copy the HTTPS link from the repo

On the EC2 instance use the git clone command to clone the repo

git clone <HTTPS url>

Provide the HTTPS creds, we downloaded for the IAM USER to clone.

Once it is a successful empty repository from CodeCommit is cloned into the Instance. Get into the cloned repository and execute the below commands to setup the node js application

Initialize the Project and Install the Express.js package in your project directory

npm init -y
npm install express

Create a file named app.js in the my-node-app directory and add the following code:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const PORT = 3000;

// Define a route for the homepage
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send('Hello, Node.js!');

// Start the server
app.listen(PORT, () => {
  console.log(`Server is running on port ${PORT}`);

In the terminal, make sure you are still inside the my-node-app directory. Run the following command to start the application

node app.js
control+C to stop

Access the application localhost:3000 or EC2PublicIP:3000

Our nodejs app is running successfully. Let's push the code to CodeCommit repository using git commands


Let's create an application and environment in ElasticBeanstalk and deploy this nodejs app in it.

Click on Create application, provide the application name and click on Create

Click on Create new environment

The environment will be auto-created, leaving the rest to default

Platform will be managed platform

Platform will be node as we are deploying the nodejs app

Service role will create and use new, if you are using EBS for the first time, it will auto-create one for you

Provide the keypair of the instance

For EC2 Instance profile a new role should be created and attached here

create a role with AWS Service with a Use case as EC2 and attach the policies

you can click on skip to review and submit to create an EBS ENV

Click on the domain to access the EBS ENV

EBS is ready and live now, let's deploy the nodejs app using AWS Pipeline now

AWS Pipeline

Click on Create pipeline

Skip the build stage

Deply will be EBS

Click next

Review and click on Create pipeline

The pipeline will start running and will be successful

But when to try to access domain in EBS, it will throw an error

To fix it gateway issue we need to change the port to 8080 in app.js in the instance and commit the changes to the CodeCommit repo

AWS pipeline auto triggers with new commits

Click on the Domain in EBS env

Our nodejs is successfully deployed in EBS through AWS CIDC Pipeline