AWS CodeCommit, CodeBuild and CodeDeploy: NodeJS App

AWS CodeCommit, CodeBuild and CodeDeploy: NodeJS App

Create an EC2 instance (Amazon Linux 2 AMI) and connect to it.

Clone this repo to the EC2 instance

git clone


Navigate to AWS Console > CodeCommit and create a new repo

This repo cannot be accessed or configured using the root account, so we have to create a new IAM user and configure it


  1. Navigate to IAM > Users

  2. You can create a new user by clicking Add Users

  3. Give him an AWSCodecommitPowerUser Policy permissions

  4. Click on Create user

Attach the below policy


Once the IAM user is created under security credentials generate Access keys and HTTPS Git credentials for AWS CodeCommit

Access keys are used to connect as a User to the AWS console through AWS CLI and HTTPS Git cred for cloning and pushing the code to AWS CodeCommit.

EC2 instance

Connect to the instance and start installing AWS CLI.

$ curl "" -o ""
sudo yum install unzip
sudo ./aws/install
aws --version

Configure the CLI in the instance

aws configure

Configure the Access and Secret keys that we generated from the IAM user

Now clone the repository from CodeCommit to the instance

Copy the HTTPS link from the repo

On the EC2 instance use the git clone command to clone the repo

git clone <HTTPS url>

Provide the HTTPS creds, we downloaded for the IAM USER to clone.

Once it is a successful empty repository from CodeCommit is cloned into the Instance.

Now copy all the files from CICD_CRUD-App files into nodejsrepo and commit it.

Now check the AWS CodeCommit repository


Go to CodeBuild and click on Create Project

Codebuild will be built from the CodeCommit repo files only

Provide the source details AWS CodeCommit and Repo/branch details

Update the OS and Environment type

We need to create a service role so that CodeBuild can communicate with CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, S3, artefact and other resources

Select New service role and the Role name will be automatically provided

Artifacts are the storage location of our S3 bucket.

That's it Click Create Build Project.

Let's start the Start Build now

Build is success

Check the artifacts in S3 Bucket


We will be deploying the application with the help of CodeDeploy, for that we need EC2 with sufficient privileges and a code deploy agent installed. We also need an application package in the form of a Zip in S3 bucket.

For Code Deploy we need appspec.yml and deploy script

Deploy agent needs to be installed first on the EC2 instance, before installing the Agent, we need to create an IAM role for the EC2 instance and attach it.

Once the role is created, go to the EC2 instance and select it. Click on> Actions > Security > Modify IAM role

Click on Update IAM role

$ nano

refer link

sudo yum update
sudo yum install ruby
sudo yum install wget
cd /home/ec2-user
chmod +x ./install
sudo ./install auto
sudo service codedeploy-agent status

Agent is running successfully on instance

Code Deploy

Click on Create application and provide the details

Click on Create application.

Application is created and now we should create a deployment group

To run or deploy one or more applications on multiple servers we need a deployment group

Click on Create Deployment Group, give it a name

Under service role, we need to create a new role and attach it here

Let's navigate to IAM and create a role code-deploy-service-role with the below permissions (AWSCodeDeployRole)

Once the role is created get back to CodeDeploy You will be able to view a service role that we have created, select it

Click on Create Deployment group

Deployment Group is created successfully, now we will create a deployment by clicking Create Depolyment

Now move to the S3 bucket and make sure to make the project public

Leave the rest to default and click on Create deployment (Make sure to check the agent status)

Make sure you install nodejs 16 or 18 version on the EC2 instance

Refer link

sudo yum install -y
sudo yum install nodejs -y

Click on View Events to check the status of the events

Our deployment is successful, let's check our application using EC2 instance publicIP:3000

Learn AWS Continuous integration

On Ubuntu20

refer link

Git link

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ruby
sudo apt install wget
cd /home/ubuntu
chmod +x ./install
sudo ./install auto
sudo service codedeploy-agent start
sudo service codedeploy-agent status

Attach the IAM role to EC2 before installing the deploy agent and run the script

pm command not found issue

sudo apt install npm
sudo npm install -g pm2